Literacy for early years

Reception Planning - Autumn 1, Week 1
For this week we have our children part time so our plan is much more simplified.
There are circle time ideas and adult-led activities to support baseline assessments through age-appropriate activities.
There are also a range of continuous provision enhancements to engage children and again, hit some of your baseline assessments through play - none of that RBA iPad assessing here!
Weekly Theme: Starting School
Focus Book: The Colour Monster Goes to School*
I know that there is some controversy regarding using the Colour Monster due to the black colour monster being associated with fear. In this version of the Colour Monster, the black colour monster only appears once. There is no reference to black representing fear but the words spooky and scary are used on the same page as the visual of the black colour monster. In our book we have coloured over him in grey paint. In the activities that we set out in class, we have removed the black monster entirely. We have chosen to continue to use this book as the children engage well with it, it approaches the subject of starting school well and promotes good conversations with our young learners.

Reception Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan
Detailed medium term plan for a reception class including the following subjects over a 6 week period:
Communication and Language
Physical (very brief overview)
Understanding the World
Expressive Art and Design

Phonics Assessment Grids for Parents
3 different formats for children with varying abilities.
These have been made to stick in reading records to share children’s progress with parents and inform them on what sounds/skills need to be developed.

Phonics Assessment Grid for Parents
4 different formats for children with varying abilities.
These have been made to stick in reading records to share children’s progress with parents and inform them on what sounds/skills need to be developed. Linked to Read Write Inc assessment 3.

Reception Planning, Spring 2, Week 2
Week 2 planning for a reception class - matching my progression document. This is changed from last years planning due to new maths small steps.
We have also made changes to our enhancement planning - now only enhancing 5 areas and having 5 child-led/engagement activities out. We are bringing back more JOY!!!
This pack includes an overview of the week showing when we teach, how we distribute staff, a continuous provision enhancements plan, a literacy plan, a maths plan, a maths presentation (only remembers this week) and the challenge page to match our challenge mountain.
Focus Book: Sue Hendra Books/World Book Day
Please note there are no guided reading powerpoints for this half term as we are going to be incorporating the format in our daily story times rather than focusing on the same story all week

Reception Planning, Spring 2, Week 4
Week 3 planning for a reception class - matching my progression document. This is changed from last years planning due to new maths small steps.
We have also made changes to our enhancement planning - now only enhancing 5 areas and having 5 child-led/engagement activities out. We are bringing back more JOY!!!
This pack includes an overview of the week showing when we teach, how we distribute staff, a continuous provision enhancements plan, a literacy plan, a maths plan, a maths presentation (only remembers this week) and the challenge page to match our challenge mountain.
Focus Book: Lost and Found
Please note there are no guided reading powerpoints for this half term as we are going to be incorporating the format in our daily story times rather than focusing on the same story all week

UPDATED EYFS Progression Document
Newly updated in December 2024
A document showing the progression through nursery and reception in the seven areas of learning.
Links are also shown to KS1 subjects in relation to understanding the world and EAD to enable subject leaders throughout school to see how their subject is being taught in reception and nursery.
Observational checkpoints are included for nursery to help to assess if children are ‘on track’ and ELGs for reception.
Please note: at this time, the nursery maths sections are empty for Spring 2, Summer 1 and Summer 2. This is due to White Rose not having released these units as of yet. Once these are released this item with be updated and you will be able to redownload.

Reception Planning - Autumn 1, Week 2
This week our focus is still to settle the children, model the provision and get to know them! So there is NO FORMAL LEARNING planned. Here you will find some ideas for circle time and continuous provision enhancements based on the topic ‘All About Me’.

EYFS Reception First Week Back Plan.
A simple plan for the first week of term in a new reception class.
Circle time activities planned to get to know your children and a selection of activities for provision and adult supported to baseline your children in an engaging and play-based manner.

Reception Planning, Autumn 1, Week 3
Week 3 planning for a reception class. This links to the progression document and recently updated Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan.
This pack includes an overview of the week showing when we teach, how we distribute staff, a continuous provision plan, a literacy plan, a maths plan, the challenge page to match our challenge mountain and our guided reading learning.
Communication and Language, PSED, UTW and EAD planning can be found in the Autumn 1 MTP.
The weekly theme for this week is: Pirates
Focus Book: The Pirates Next Door

Reception Planning, Spring 1, Week 1
Week 1 planning for a reception class - matching my progression document. This is changed from last years planning due to new maths small steps and a change to weekly themes, this term focusing on stories.
We have also made changes to our enhancement planning - now only enhancing 5 areas and having 5 child-led/engagement activities out. We are bringing back more JOY!!!
This pack includes an overview of the week showing when we teach, how we distribute staff, a continuous provision enhancements plan, a literacy plan, a maths plan, a maths presentation and the challenge page to match our challenge mountain.
Focus Book: Star in the Jar
Please note there are no guided reading powerpoints for this half term as we are going to be incorporating the format in our daily story times rather than focusing on the same story all week

Reception Autumn 2 Medium Term Plan
Detailed medium term plan for a reception class including the following subjects over a 6 week period:
Communication and Language
Physical (very brief overview)
Understanding the World
Expressive Art and Design

Reception Reader Record Pages
Pages that we use with our reception children to monitor and track reading including:
Sounds tracking sheet
Red word tracking sheet
Comments sheet

Reception Planning, Spring 1, Week 3
Week 3 planning for a reception class - matching my progression document. This is changed from last years planning due to new maths small steps.
We have also made changes to our enhancement planning - now only enhancing 5 areas and having 5 child-led/engagement activities out. We are bringing back more JOY!!!
This pack includes an overview of the week showing when we teach, how we distribute staff, a continuous provision enhancements plan, a literacy plan, a maths plan, a maths presentation and the challenge page to match our challenge mountain.
Focus Book: The Paper Dolls
Please note there are no guided reading powerpoints for this half term as we are going to be incorporating the format in our daily story times rather than focusing on the same story all week

Reception Planning - Spring 2, Week 3
Week 3 planning for a reception class. This is changed from last years planning due to new maths small steps and a tweaks to weekly themes/activities. We also have a different format for guided reading to last year and some tweaks to foundation lessons too.
This pack includes an overview of the week showing when we teach, how we distribute staff, a continuous provision plan, a literacy plan, a maths plan, the challenge page to match our challenge mountain and our guided reading learning.
The weekly theme for this week is: Minibeasts

Reception Planning, Autumn 1, Week 4
Week 4 planning for a reception class. This links to the progression document and recently updated Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan.
This pack includes an overview of the week showing when we teach, how we distribute staff, a continuous provision plan, a literacy plan, a maths plan, the challenge page to match our challenge mountain and our guided reading learning.
Communication and Language, PSED, UTW and EAD planning can be found in the Autumn 1 MTP.
The weekly theme for this week is: Superheroes
Focus Book: Supertato

Reception Planning, Autumn 1, Week 7
Week 7 planning for a reception class. This links to the progression document and recently updated Autumn 1 Medium Term Plan.
This pack includes an overview of the week showing when we teach, how we distribute staff, a continuous provision plan, a literacy plan, a maths plan, the challenge page to match our challenge mountain and our guided reading learning.
Communication and Language, PSED, UTW and EAD planning can be found in the Autumn 1 MTP.
The weekly theme for this week is: People Who Help Us*
Focus Book: Zog and the Flying Doctors
Please note: We are trialling moving away from heavily themed enhancements and trying to be a bit more open, focusing on skills rather than the end product. I have uploaded our CP plan for week 7 but also a tweaked one from last year that is still heavily themed so you can choose which works for you

EYFS Reception Baseline Assessment
An on entry baseline assessment for reception children to be completed in the first half term of the year to assess children across all 7 areas of learning.
This is linked to Development Matters 2021.

The Gingerbread Man Book Talk
Activities linked to the traditional tale, The Gingerbread Man aimed at a mixed reception and year one class.